Children & Young People

Our fully trained tutors help you achieve your goals with proven methods that guarantee results. We support children and young people looking to both improve their educational attainment and boost their self-confidence. The aim of our education programme for children and young people is to inspire, tutor and guide participants, providing them with the support they need to succeed and enabling them to achieve their full potential.

School Tutorial Packages

With funding from charitable organisations and subsidy available under the National Tutoring Programme (NTP), we offer schools and colleges free or discounted tuition for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. Each learner will benefit from a minimum of six one-hour sessions. During an induction session, teachers inform tutors of specific pupil needs and tutors take these into consideration when planning future sessions. The primary goal of the tuition is to inspire, build confidence and enhance study skills; improvement of educational attainment is an added value to our project outcomes.

We provide pupils with skills that will enable them to study effectively and become active independent learners. Sessions are primarily delivered on school premises on a flexible basis. This arrangement allows tutors to collaborate with school staff, however, online and blended learning options are also available. The tuition offers a supplementation, not a substitute, to the formal national curriculum. Tutors develop lesson plans under guidance from the schools and regularly provide feedback to teachers. The format and resources used during sessions vary according to a school’s requirements.

Our School Tuition is divided into six levels, each designed for a particular age group and key stage:


Level Description
Early Birds Reception to KS1
For those who have fallen behind their peers in communication and language.
Successful Move KS2 to KS3
Supports children during the transition from primary to secondary school. Pupils’ experience a significant dip in their learning and general wellbeing after they transfer to secondary school, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Change of Pace KS4
Helps children who are disengaged from or underperforming at school. We focus on improving their GCSE results, as these are gateway qualifications for further study and entering the workforce.
Fly High KS3 to KS4
Supports children from disadvantaged backgrounds with the potential to attend a prestigious university. Evidence shows these children can struggle to attain top grades at GCSE, despite having the academic ability to do so.
Second Chance 16+
Without good English and maths qualifications, young people have limited access to jobs and higher education. This programme helps those who did not get the grades they needed at sixteen and gives them a second chance to catch up to their peers.
Getting into University KS4 to KS5
Addresses barriers preventing young people from disadvantaged and minority ethnic backgrounds advancing to university. It provides support to raise attainment and advice, information and guidance.

Informal Science Clubs

Our Informal Science Clubs are supported by prestigious science associations and institutions from across the UK. Their funding enables us to design and deliver engaging and stimulating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workshops to local children. The science experiment kits used in the workshops are fully designed and developed by Toranj Tuition.

We are the only organisation in the North of England with funding from the majority of the UK’s most prestigious science organisations, including the British Science Association, Institute of Physics and Royal Academy of Engineering: Ingenious. The Clubs aim to:

  • Make science engaging and enjoyable.
  • Inspire children to take an interest in science.
  • Make children aware of the possible opportunities in science and consider further study or a career in science.

Toranj Tuition currently delivers two Informal Science Clubs:

Club Description
Heritage and STEM: The Delight of Light
Children design 3D lighthouse models to learn about physics, engineering and programming, followed by a trip to a local lighthouse.

This Club is funded by the British Science Association, Heritage Lottery Fund, Institute of Physics, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Royal Academy of Engineering: Ingenious and Two Riding Community Fund.
Health and STEM: The Chemistry of Healthy Eating
Children and their families or carers learn about the importance of healthy eating through food testing experiments and lessons about the human body.

This Club is funded by the Biochemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry and Society for Applied Microbiology.

Homework Club

We run this for refugees and asylum seekers who require additional support with their schoolwork. Tutors encourage learners and provide information, advice, practical help and companionship. A community assistant familiar with their first language will be on hand to help. Together, learners and tutors read books, complete homework, review class work and study.

New Beginnings

Created for unaccompanied asylum seeker children (UASCs), New Beginnings combines intensive ESOL tuition with employability and citizenship classes in order to prepare children for joining a British school. It also helps prepare those over or approaching school leaving age for further education or work.

Designed with the help of two local authorities, New Beginnings is now open to all child refugees and asylum seekers. Alongside ESOL tuition, children enrolled on this programme are also paired with a peer mentor for career / education planning support and have the opportunity to take a work experience placement if they are 16+.

EAL Support

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Support can be provided through school tuition or as a private tuition subject. For learners with limited proficiency or who speak no English, we may partner them with a tutor who speaks their first language. We have tutors who speak a variety of languages, including Arabic, Persian, Polish and Romanian.